Contact Edward

My personal email address is ednever at gmail. Feel free to contact me there and I will do my best to respond.

I can also be reached via twitter @ednever.


Why contact me?

  • If you want to sell me something, and I haven’t put out a specific request on the blog, I’m not interested. I am of the philosophy that you should spend a lot of time figuring out what you need, and then you should go out and look for it. But taking incoming inquiries for something you weren’t planning for is almost always a distraction.
  • If you run a marketing department and want to chat with me about it, I am usually happy to help. Drop me a line and let me know what the company is and my assistant can help schedule something. I definitely don’t charge anything and hopefully we can both learn something.
  • If you are more junior then I may be slower to respond and realistically I will stick to email. If you run a marketing channel I will be happy to introduce you to people on my team who have similar challenges.
  • If you want me to consult for your company I’m likely not interested. The only exception would be for some sort of retainer relationship for coaching from a distance. If that appeals to you by all means drop me a line.
  • If you want me to speak at an event or a conference, please let me know the dates, the location, what type of content you would like covered and your speaker budget. While it has been years since I performed improv theater, I still do stand-up comedy from time to time so I am comfortable on stage and have squeezed in speaker events in the past. I only have about 10 minutes of stand-up good material and most is not business related, but hopefully you want me for my marketing expertise rather than my IKEA jokes anyway.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Edward Nevraumont